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Sunday, April 06, 2008

>.< Mukyaaaaa!!!

s0arings0ul wrote on 7:09 AM

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A peek into my insane mind

Paky wrote on 5:17 PM

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Paky wrote on 6:08 PM

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

hur hur hur???

s0arings0ul wrote on 7:57 AM

Saturday, April 22, 2006

review about my chalet

s0arings0ul wrote on 5:32 AM

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm gonna diEeEeee

Paky wrote on 5:41 AM

Saturday, April 15, 2006

wa lao all bang sa wa...

s0arings0ul wrote on 7:10 AM

Paky wrote on 4:40 AM


Blog name: Yesterday once more, Unforgotten memories
Date of creation, age: 9th of April 06, 5 days old *might be unaccurate*

Paky: I'm 16 years old going to 17, incredibly crappy, loves to meet people, likes to have fun. and yeah, I'm hunky

Melissa: HmmM, I'm 17 now, am always busi n realli in need of time (if anyone could giv mi), n wanna 2 meet old gd frenzzzz and InteReSting and WeiRd +++ JoyfUl ppl +++ Optimistic +++ Funny +++ TaLkaTive +++ ShAriNg +++ CaRing +++ Blurrrr +++ Idiotic +++ CrAcy+++ Lots and lotsss more!!!!!!!

Gladys: write something!

Si hui: write something!

Contact me to be here!: write something!

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